Users who are using Goodreads:

  1. What’s your favourite book and what’s your favourite Genre?
  2. What are you reading currently?
  3. What’s the first information that you like to have before reading a book?
  4. How do you choose which book to read? (Points to check: Mood wise/ Preferred genres/ No. of pages/ Popularity of the book or author)
  5. Do you track reading progress on Goodreads? If yes - Do you find it helpful? If no - Do you know about this feature? If yes - Why don’t you use it?
  6. Which feature do you like the most? Something that has benefited you.
  7. Which feature do you think could have been better in Goodreads?
  8. What more do you want from a platform like Goodreads to help you?
  9. Are you a part of any group? If yes - Is the group helping you connect with like-minded readers? If no - Have you ever tried joining or creating a group before?
  10. Do you participate in Goodread’s yearly book reading challenge? If yes, would you like a reading challenge for a shorter period? If no, are you aware about this feature?
  11. Have you ever bought a book using a link mentioned in the app/website?
  12. What do you do if you don’t like a book?
  13. Do you like sharing your thoughts or take away from reading a book publicly?
  14. Does looking at the number of pages remaining in a book or a chapter, help you read more?
  15. (Already tracking): How do you track your reading progress, with the help of pages or chapters? What if you could see the progress in percentage?
  16. (Want to track:) What will help you track your reading progress- Pages/chapters/%/ more?

Users who are part of an external reading community: